DR V N BRIMS organized digital Brims Connect for October 2020 which was held on Friday 20th November 2020. This event aims to acknowledge faculty members and students for the achievements accomplished during that month. This acts as one of the motivation factors for students for their continuous learning and improving their skills & abilities.
In October, BRIMS CONNECT has completed one year, the event started with a video on the beautiful one-year journey of BRIMS CONNECT. Later, different events were displayed which happened during this month.
Dr. Pallavi Chandwaskar, Dr. Meenakshi Malhotra, and Prof. Mahesh Bhanushali attended 5-day FDP by AICTE on the theme “Inculcating Universal Human values in technical education”.
Going ahead, Prof. Vibhuti Save attended Online FDP on Operations Management organized by AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Academy
On 8th to 9th October Prof. Krunal K. Punjani attended 2 Days online workshop on "Developing Questionnaire for Survey Research" organized by MyInnerLog.
During 9th,16th, 23rd, and 30th October Prof. Mahesh Bhanushali along with the administration team of DR VN BRIMS successfully conducted webinars on ‘How MMS will help you in getting a respectable job’.
Following Alumni also shared their experiences during the webinar-
1. Mr. Apoorva Modak, Capgemini
2. Mr. Aniket Kodlinge, Flipkart
3. Ms. RavikaGaja, White Hat
4. Ms. Pooja Singh, Phone Pe
5. Ms. Swarda Joshi, VIVO Mobiles.
Moving ahead, Prof. Vibhuti Save attended Online FDP on Innovation Management organized by AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Academy.
On 13th October Dr.ArlophJohnvieira attended a Virtual Conference on “Back to work” organized by Indian Express.
Going ahead, Prof. Mahesh Bhanushali successfully placed Ms. RavikaGaja- MMS Marketing Student in White Hat with the package of 8 Lakhs and Mr. Saurabh Chavan from MMS operation in K.D. Logistics and assisted him for his successful joining by visiting K.D Logistics office.
Prof. Krunal K. Punjani was appreciated for being a Resource Person to conduct 2 days Faculty Development Program on “Case Study and Article Writing” organized by G. H. Raisoni Institute of Management & Research, Nagpur.
Prof. Krunal K. Punjani attended 2 days’ workshop on "Hypothesis Testing” organized by Koach Scholar.
Dr.Smita Jape on behalf of IQAC successfully organized a webinar on "Optimization of Social media marketing in present scenario" for Final year students of MMS and PGDM which was conducted by Mr. Dalvir Reel, Digicraf.
During 17th, 18th, 24th, and 25th October Dr. Nitin Joshi attended a 30-hour program on career planning by Dheya.
DR V N BRIMS as a lead cluster college was appreciated by VC in a meeting of principals and directors with the University of Mumbai.
On 26th October Dr.Smita Jape was acknowledged for being a reviewer of ABDC Journal ‘Indian Journal of Finance and Banking’. She reviewed a paper titled “Prediction of Corporate Bankruptcy using Financial Ratios and News”.
IQAC Coordinator, Dr. Pallavi Chandwaskar, along-with the IQAC team of Dr.Smita Jape, Dr. Meenakshi Malhotra, and Prof. Mahesh Bhanushali, have successfully submitted institutional AQAR (Annual Quality Assurance Report) 2018-19 on NAAC Portal.
On 28th October Dr. Meenakshi Malhotra was appreciated for being a resource person by Ludhiana Group of Colleges to take a session on 'How to Write a research Paper'.
The IIC team of DR VN BRIMS received a rating of 4.5 out of 5 Stars from the Ministry of Education’s Innovation Cell, for taking several initiatives and executing various activities related to Innovation, in the academic year 2019-20.
Prof. Krunal K Punjani on behalf of The IIC team of BRIMS, organized the 'InnoBiz' -Innovation Competition (October), coordinated with Mentors to get their Solution Notes, and also coordinated with the Senior Judges Panel to evaluate all the teams.
Prof Sandeep Moghe declared the results of the Innobiz Innovation Competition for October 2020.
Dr. Nitin Joshi Paper/ Abstract titled “A Study of Expectations of Gen X and Gen Y Customers About Service Quality of Private Life Insurance Companies in Mumbai” has been accepted by the Editorial Committee for presentation in forthcoming XV International Conference on the theme “Rethinking Business Strategies, Entrepreneurial Challenges and Societal Values in a Changed Global Scenario” scheduled to be held on January 30-31, 2021.
In October, DR VN BRIMS received DTE Approval for 180 seats of MMS.
Some of the PGDM students attended a webinar on Finance India organized by NMIMS.
Various FDP’s workshops and webinars attended by the faculty members of BRIMS were also shared during this event.
Moving forward to the student’s achievements, the certification received by students were showcased which boosted the level of spirit in students and encouraged them to be always productive and make the best use of time.
The MMS and PGDM batch 2018-2020 were congratulated for completing their post-graduation from DR V N BRIMS and some of them also shared their experiences with the institute.
There was also an alumni interaction during the event where Mr. Jayendra Kulkarni an alumnus of Dr. V N Bedekar Institute of Management Studies shared his views and insights during the event.
The event was well anchored by second-year MMS student Miss SayaliWalanj. The video was created and prepared by the organizing team. The event was well organized by Dr. Meenakshi Malhotra along with students PoorvaAjgaonkar, RevatiPadature, SayaliPalav and SayaliWalanj. The IT Support team of Prof. Sandeep Moghemade sure that the event was carried out without any technological glitches. The event ended smoothly with the collective efforts of the Institute.