Dr Radhakrishnan Pillai inaugurated the Foundation Program as a Chief Guest.He shared his insights about leadership in the new era.
Dr Nitin Joshi welcomed all the dignitaries with his opening speech.
PGDM second year students welcomed the juniors.
PGDM second year toppers were felicitated by Chief guest , chairman , director and director general.
Dr. Aman Chugh's Session on Dynamic Financial Markets and Upcoming Profiles for Young Pillars.
Dr. Cheema conducted session on Motivation.
Dr. Lucky Kasat's session on What is my Peak.
Mr. Amarkant Jain conducted session on Build your own Brand.
Mr. Apte conducted Career Mentoring Session on Design Your Career Path for Work-Life Success.
Ms. Mukulika Ghose's Session on Developing your Inner Strength.
BRIMS - DR V. N. Bedekar Institute of Management Studies