Teaching Pedagogy and Methods of Dr. V. N. Bedekar Institute of Management Studies Thane college

Our Pedagogy

"The task of the excellent teacher is to stiulate apparently ordinary people to unusual effort. The tough problem is not in identifying winners: it is in making winners out of ordinary people"
                                                                                                                                         K. Patricia Cross

The pedagogy of education at the post graduation level may be fine tuned by bringing in a wide array of creative and innovative approaches into the learning process. As a teacher the aim is not just to impart knowledge but also to enhance competencies by developing practical skills, critical thinking and inspiring creativity among students. The aim is to make learning pleasant, optimistic and an enjoyable experience.

Teaching pedagogy at DR VN BRIMS includes, inter-alias

- Lectures
- Role plays
- Group Discussions
- Case Studies
- Quizzes
- Presentations
- Group Work - Team Learning
- Management Films
- Management Games
- Seminar
- Webinar
- Guest Lectures
- Experiential Learning
- Book Reviews
- IT Driven Teaching
- Industrial Visits

Curriculum Aspects

- Curriculum Feedback Response MMS 2nd Year

- Curriculum Feedback Responses for MMS 1st Year