Dr. V. N. BRIMS College Genesis - Top Business Schools in Thane Offering Post Graduation Diploma Management Studies with AICTE approved and MBA, MMS Program

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BRIMS- Wall of Fame

Online Alumni meet on 15th April 2023 at 4.00PM

Online Alumni meet on 29th May 2021 at 5.30PM

Alumni Meet - "Marmabandh" on 7th December, 2019

Alumni Meet - Marmabandh on 7th December, 2019

Alumni Meet on Saturday, 7th December, 2019

Alumni Meet on Saturday, 7th December, 2019 at Dr. V. N. BRIMS College Thane

Alumni @ BRIMS

We always look for our memories to cherish, because it brings a beautiful smile on our face. BRIMS assures that you will not only have more memories to cherish but will maintain that connect with whom you are making those memories. BRIMS believes in a strong alumni connect and thus organizes an alumni meet every year where students from every batch come to share their experiences and achievements with the institute and other students.

Alumni Meet is a time to reflect and remember the good old times of the students who are now the Alumni and BRIMS is always looking forward with a sense of purpose from these meet.

BRIMS wishes to form an alumni association to build the connect more concrete and involve alumni in various institutional activities. If you are alumni of BRIMS and wish to be a part of an Alumni Association, then kindly register yourself by filling the attached form.

Click Here For Registration