We all are living a routine life where we start a day by getting off from bed, doing our necessary household chores then rushing in traffic and finally reaching our workplace. We spend on an average around 8-10 hours of our day with our peers, our boss and subordinates. Our workplace has become like our 2nd home, where we look up to our management as the head of the family for guiding on decision making and looking after the employees. In such a scenario it is important for management to keep their employees motivated and engaged.
Employee engagement today has become an integral part of work life as the employees are stressed out with their work and keep seeking for the new opportunities and challenges in its work to break the monotony.
Few suggested are the different ways through which organizations can engage their employees and ensure better productivity and result in employee retention.
Open communication: Employees want someone who can listen to them and understand their problems; this could be their personal or professional. A culture of open communication can help employees engage with their peers better. Managers can hold informal meetings, lunch or dinner dates, coffee conversations and similar activities to ensure the culture of openness.
Job Rotation: Monotony in the work profile may lead to job dissatisfaction. Jobs can be designed in a manner where the employees can be easily rotated or managers can timely add some kind of new assignments or challenging task (cross functional) to the employee profile to break the monotony.
Money is not always a Reward: Maslow’s theory rightly says that at every level the expectations of employee changes and so would be there factors of motivation. Gift your employee with some holiday vouchers, arrange a pot lunch or a musical evening where they can come and distress themselves and show their talent. These activities will not only engage employees but would help the managers with better team cohesiveness.
Mentoring: “A lot of people have gone further than they thought they could because someone else thought they could”. It’s said if you get a right mentor in your life then your journey is a cakewalk. Today mentoring has evolved as a department in itself. Organizations have started hiring professionals who can mentor their staff and guide them with a career path thus ensuring productivity in the organization.
Happy Hours: Here happy hours would indicate the personal development or enrichment of an employee. In a day allow your employee to spend time in doing what he really likes or is passionate about. This could be singing, painting or learning a new skill. It may not be directly related to his work and you might feel that everyday giving half an hour would be too much but at the end of the day you will realize that an investment of half an hour is giving your organization a good ROI with respect to increased productivity.
These are few simple ways and techniques through which an organization can make certain the productivity of the employees which will result in the growth of the organization. Facebook, Google, LinkedIn are few such organizations where people wish to work and what makes them the best is their culture. Rightly said by Mr. Steve Jobs:
“The only way to do great work is to love what you do.”
Prof. : Kanchan A.
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