Events, festivals and updates at Dr. V. N. Bedekar Institute of Management Studies Thane College.

Latest Articles

Key to Personal Effectiveness

All of us aim to become more effective managers at our workplace. Yet, at times, we find ourselves wanting on some count or the other.

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Bitcoin vs Gold – Which is the Better Hedge?

Just a few hundred years ago when your balance sheet was running low, you’d go running to your grandfather’s backyard and start digging.

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Elimination of Single-Use Plastic by Aashi Ajit Rajgor

A very beautiful universe is designed by god and gifted to us, to live a life which is filled with all the natural resources.

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Elimination of Single-Use Plastic by Darshana Krishnan

Plastics today is part of human life. The everyday life without plastics is unimaginable, in all developing Nations.

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Elimination of Single-Use Plastic by Neha Shailesh Sinkar

A straw while drinking our favorite drink, a plastic knife to cut a birthday cake, a plastic bag to carry vegetables: thinking about each of these items individually, they don’t seem harmful.

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Some Positive Changes Which Can Be Made To Chapter 6A Of Income Tax Act

We can look at suggesting some positive changes to Chapter 6E of the Income Tax Act, so that the tax collections of the country can increase.

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Search yourself in YOU!!!

There was a little girl, her name was Pinki. She was different. In fact, it was normal on the outside, whitish in color, big glasses on the eyes, lack of confidence, she was not a shy girl. She knew that in such look she was different but she can't express that she is different.

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Managerial Decision-making Under Uncertainty

“Knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty”. Today all of us are living in a VUCA environment which we experience daily.

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Psychological Traps that Investors Should Avoid

The human mind is unique, capable of solving complex mathematical problems, analysing data and is capable of formulating strategies.

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Overview Of Lms - Learning Management System

Student Centric IT Support should be provided in every institute.

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Marketing Ethics Are Crucial During Crisis

Every business owner and marketer on the planet was shaken awake by the pandemic.

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Want to be Mentally Strong?

The outbreak of COVID-19 has changed many things in our lives – the way we learn, the way we work, the way we meet others, and to safeguard ourselves we also try to focus more on physical fitness and immunity.

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Prepare-it Believe-it Achieve-it

It was Saturday morning, I entered my cabin with weekend mood. I could find one student- Mr.Piyush (Name Changed) waiting near my cabin with purpose to express his concerns on getting selected through interviews organized by placement cell of the institute.

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Currency Conflicts – Will the Emergence of Cryptocurrency finally dethrone the US Dollar as the global currency of choice?

Bitcoin - the leading currency of the cryptocurrency world – is on everybody’s mind with searches for Bitcoin and its derivatives trending at an all time high. The phrase “Buy Crypto” accumulated a comprehensive maximum score of a perfect 100 on Google trends in Feb 2021 along with record high scores for Bitcoin and Ether.

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Learning while losing

It was in the year 1995 while I was working with a sales company which was hard core sales driven and which believed that only white tiger should survive in the company.

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The Rising Trend of Mutual Funds in India and Basics of Investing

If we are looking at some of the financial sectors in India that have shown substantial growth in the last decade, then Mutual Funds (MFs) would surely be one of them.

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Management Paradoxes

A paradox is an avowal of contradictions making some sense; some of the subsequent statements[10]should throw some light on the meaning of the term “paradox”

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Growth Mindset: Are you Ready?

Do you think or believe that you have been gifted with some skills and abilities during your birth which will be with you till the end of your life and you don’t need anything else? Or..

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Content Marketing Strategy: A must have tool for SMEs

Recently I met my old friend from my MBA days who is presently in the export business of yarns and textiles since past eight years. She is co-owner of the business with her husband and the business deals with several clients....

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Influencer Marketing: What, Who, How?

Author and blogger Seth Godin once said, “People do not buy goods and services; They buy relations, stories and magic”. That was exactly what marketers used to do – create stories and weave magic and thereby entice potential customers....

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Budget Simplified

Government's view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it Moves, Tax it ; If it keeps Moving, Regulate it; And if it stops moving, Subsidize itcally required services like Defence, Law & Order (that is, POLICE, INTERNAL SECURITY etc.), Education, Health care, disaster relief etc.

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Some Methods Of Increasing The Indirect Tax Collections Of India

To smoothly run the country, India needs tax revenues. These revenues are required by the Government to provide critically required services like Defence, Law & Order (that is, POLICE, INTERNAL SECURITY etc.), Education, Health care, disaster relief etc.

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Atmanibhar Bharat – Growth at Dixon Technologies amid Covid-19

In April 2020, the Indian Government amid Covid-19 instituted a Production Linked Incentive (PLI) scheme to amplify domestic manufacturing in the Indian Electronic Manufacturing Service (EMS) Industry which had a market size of approx.

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Memories - Sweet one and Bitter one

One of the well known public speaker shared one story about green peace vegetable recipe in her talk show.

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Good Managers

This is what we all aspires to be… what it takes to be one... in today’s environment where it is difficult to apply command and control approach to every situation when everyone is craving for more autonomy and freedom.

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A Review Article on Stock Market Crashes

A Stock Market crash is an unexpected decline in the prices of stock which spread over a substantial section of a market resulting in loss of investors' wealth.

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My Experience of Online Teaching and Learning

“Online Classes” is not a new concept. Due COVID-19 lockdown, it has become “New Normal”.

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Controlling Distractions and Managing ‘Attention’

Around one and half years back, after completing my marketing session to executive MBA students, few of them came to me with different queries related to topic.

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Management Lessons from Ramayana

Last week I was sitting with my family when I got to know that DD National is going to have a rerun of ‘Ramayana’,

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My First Day of Field Sales Training with leading FMCG company

This is one of my memorable experience where I was invited to conduct field sales training to sales managers at well known FMCG company.

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Unfolding the hidden goals

I was discussing the topic of motivation with my family members to understand how different people with different experiences think about motivation.

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Economic Cycle and Economic Recovery during COVID-19 Pandemic

In the current pandemic situation, ‘Economic Scenario and Economic Recovery’ has been one of the most talked about topic in the media.

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Importance of Library

Ability of library to shape your thoughts personality, vision, mission and goals need not be doubted.

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Stay Positive, Stay Healthy!

The world is fighting with the epidemic of Coronavirus. It is not the 1st time that a virus has brought the world to standstill.

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Corporate Social Responsibility – Why an MBA program should be incorporating it in its curriculum

Philip Kotler in his book, “Corporate Social Responsibility: Doing the most good for your company and your cause” has remarked that “A good company offers excellent products and sersvice.

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Training Needs Assessment - An Important First Step Before Starting a Training

To understand training and development, it is important to understand a background
In order to keep growing in terms of revenue and profits in a continuously changing environment, a company needs competent employees.

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Self-motivation – A journey within

We seldom realize that there is a force which keeps us going on, in a situation which demands perseverance, resilience, endurance and the internal drive which comes from within to let us move ahead, produce, grow and achieve something, this is what is recognised as Self-motivation.

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Need to discover our abilities

Clarity of purpose is extremely important for being successful in life as it helps you streamline your thoughts and helps you achieve what you wish to achieve.

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Loan Moratorium during Covid19 – Aerial View

Amidst Covid- 19, The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) came up with an equated monthly installments (EMI) moratorium plan in the month of March 2020.

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Reflective Questions- a Constructive way of Delivering Feedback

On the last day of our schools and colleges, all of us are so curious to get our slam book filled by our closest friends.

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Management Lessons from Panchatantra

The story of 'Dharmabuddhi and Papabuddhi Two friends earn some money in a certain village and hide the money under a tree before returning home.

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The Power of Decision Making

All decisions have immense power. The power comes from within as individuals own them.

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Impact of COVID-19 on Hiring of MBAs

We are all aware about the fact that the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted adversely to the entire world.

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‘Rising from The Ashes’ with the Growth Mindset

Currently world is going through a very difficult phase due to the prevailing COVID19 pandemic situation.

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Business Innovation during Covid19 Crisis

The pandemic of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has led to a global health crisis which has a deep impact on the way we see our world and has impacted our everyday lives.

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Money: A factor of Motivation, Not Always!

Aayan, an engineer and a post graduate in management, was happy in his job. He was working with a renowned bank as a Sr Manager Treasury sale and performing well with his targets.

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What Motivates You ?

It was Thursday evening and a session was scheduled from 5PM to 8PM for a company in Thane. I was conducting a session on Leadership development.

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Learn to make best out of what you get

Sometimes we fail to recognize the growth opportunities because of pre-conceive notions, self-image and ego levels. I started realizing the same when I come across different experiences.

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Values in Life

Often, we hear people talking about Values they have been brought up in life and it is very heartening to note it in today’s materialistic and competitive life. there are people who have values in their lives and also have inspired others too.

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Social Distancing

Ministry of Health and Family Welfare verbalizes that social distancing is a non-pharmaceutical infection prevention and control intervention implemented to avoid/decrease contact between those who are infected with a disease causing pathogen and those who are not, so as to stop or abbreviate the rate of transmission and thus preventing spread, morbidity and mortality caused by the disease

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Linking Bhagavad Gita Principle with Sports

Translation: One who prudently practices or devotes oneself to the work without attachment i.e. ‘Karmayoga’, can get rid of both good and bad reactions in this life itself. Therefore, strive for Yoga i.e. excellence at work.

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Human Being's Remote, but Controlled by the Nature

दिवस तर रोजच्या प्रमाणेच उजाडला होता. पण, आज मोकळा श्वास घ्यायला भीती वाटत होती. "कराग्रेवसतेलक्ष्मी...." म्हणतानाही हातावर काहीतरी वळवळतंय अस वाटत होतं.

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Are you Upskilling your Employees?

Upskilling has become the new buzz word in the corporate world!! Considering the present situation, this is the best time to consider upgrading your skills...

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Dial D for Disruptive Business Strategies in Difficult Times (COVID-19)

Black swan events such as pandemics and recession change the orbit of economies and businesses...

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Career Opportunities for Operations Management Students

Some students have passion for Operations, but have apprehensions about their careers in Operations management...

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The psychological impact of Coronavirus Pandemic on Indian Stock Market

As human beings, what we fear the most in this world, are the things that we have no control over, things which are unexpected and completely random....

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Impact of Covid - 19 on Education Sector in India

The virus associated with the outbreak originating in Wuhan, China, has been designated Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 ( SARC – CoV2)...

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Innovations in the time of Calamity

Mankind has always been curious enough and has evolved with the changing times through devising solutions to existing problems with genuine ideas and breakthrough innovations...

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Goal Setting

We all get the feeling that we want to achieve much more in our lives. At various times, we keep feeling that there could be much more to life than just the routine activities......

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Significance of Summer Internship

Summer Internship for a B-school student is the platform to have an experience of the middle-level management in the real business world scenario......

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Ethics in Research

Business and Market Research forms a key component of the curricula of almost all MBA programs today......

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The Relevance of Management and Managers for Growing Business

Management has always been the central element of any business. Managing organization in old classic way was different.........

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ONLINE DEGREE COURSES in Higher Education Institution’s (HEI’s)

Earlier the Online system was used for certificate courses, diploma courses, advance diploma courses but with Budget 2020.........

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Why MBA?

MBA is commonly called Masters in Business Administration. When one completes a Four Semester Programme.........

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Usage, Application and Selection of Technology for Your Business

It’s a crucial decision to select the technology for any business. One of the major reasons behind this is technology is becoming obsolete very fast.........

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Are you a Goal Seeker?

Students want to be successful however in the absence of a clear roadmap, they keep on moving on the path which is visible and is in their comfort zone........

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Important Virtues of Human Life-Fearlessness (Part 1)

अभयम्, सत्त्वसंशुद्धिः, ज्ञानयोगव्यवस्थितिः,
दानम्, दमः, च, यज्ञः, च, स्वाध्यायः, तपः, आर्जवम्।।1।।.......

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Is my Social Media Account Really Personal?

Rajiv, a young post graduate in management (MBA Marketing) recently completed his degree and got an outstanding placement in top 5 companies from his college.....

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ABCD of ‘Sustainable Success’ for MBA Students & Management
Aspirants: Learnings from Bruce Lee

Success refers to achieving the outcome, that we have planned & desired, for the efforts & resources we put in. Many MBA students or management aspirants quite often have discussion on....

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MBA in Finance: A Window to the World of Opportunities

A degree in Management or an MBA degree is a much sought after post-graduate degree program in the field of finance and business. It opens up a plethora of opportunities....

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Culture represents predefined vision which guides the employees and gives them a sense of direction at the workplace. As vision statement of DR VN BRIMS also states....

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Implementing Balanced Scorecard In Higher Education Institutes

A need is felt across education industry to apply measurement technique to effectively plan, manage and lead higher education institutes. Taking a step forward in this direction....

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History Rhymes-Will it repeat? PMC Collapse

Past two decades India has witnessed similar collapse in the banking industry, however there are several other collapses too but we need a microscopic view to catch them and never a buzz in media. In 2001.....

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Job Profiles After MBA

After MBA with specialisations in Finance, Marketing, HR, systems and Operations what all carrier options students have are discussed in this article. Which rewarding careers are offered by industries to these MBA students....

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Gig Economy - Future Work Pattern

Few weeks back while talking to some young kids in their mid-twenties I realized that all were working and even earning good but none of them who were musician, psychologist, a teacher of Yoga, editor in film industry and even a consultant in legal matters had a job....

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Not Degrees, But Skills do matter

B-schools are now greener pastures, and an MBA is a ticket to a white-collar job. The general trend to join MBA program is because – Oh! My Friends and me have decided to pursue MBA (No real study/research, at times even information gathering) done. Flow with the tide – it gives a secured feeling in a Master’s program....

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Distribution Models Followed in FMCG Industry

The purpose of this article is to understand the various models of distributing products in the FMCG industry.
The term FMCG stands for the “FAST MOVING CONSUMER GOODS” industry...

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Top Skills for a Successful Management Career

As you make decision to pursue an MBA, whatever be the reason, either acquire knowledge and skills to position yourself better to get a high profile job, promotion at current profession or entrepreneurship. Irrespective of reason, you need to harness a fundamental set of qualities...

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Management education these days is facing so many challenges shaped by the fast-paced changing operational environment. The globe and the working life are transforming at an ever more speeding pace. This impulse at which the management education providers are transforming is either slowly or intense....

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Trending Pedagogies in Teaching and Learning in Management and Other Colleges

Today’s common challenges for most of the degree and post-graduate colleges are:
Low Attendance of Students: - Percentage of attending the classroom lectures is reducing especially in MBA and other post-graduation programs.

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Can we as faculty members of management sense the future?

We are in the VUCA world which is surrounded by disruption and ambiguity. When we talked about disruption it is difficult to appreciate the fact that not many management teachers are willing to adapt the changes which are happening due to technology and the new approach to business...

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Money: A factor of Motivation, Not Always!

Aayan, an engineer and a post graduate in management, was happy in his job. He was working with a renowned bank as a Sr Manager Treasury sale and performing well with his targets. One evening he happened to meet his previous office colleague, Ravi, who was his reporting head and they had spent 5 years working together. Over a cup of coffee, they discussed work, targets, market scenario and many such things. During the conversation, Ravi offered Aayan to join back his previous bank as management was happy with his performance and they would love to hire him back...

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Influencer Marketing: The Local Trust-points for the Global Brands

Growth of Social Media has unlocked plenty of opportunities for marketers to connect and engage with its target audience, through regular interactions, updates, games, competitions, videos and so on. However, in this digital era of ad communications, many customers have one unchanged behavior i.e. believing more on the opinions and reviews of the third person, than on the communication from the company itself. As per Nielsen’s report 83% of the respondents trust the opinions and recommendations of their family members or friends, 66% trusts the online opinions and 66% have trust on the editorial content, which is generally shared online by the professional influencer...

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Visual Merchandising: The projector of Brick & Mortar outlets

In the era of e-commerce, the stores are having a huge impact on consumer behavior and ultimately on sale. Due to rapidly growing user friendly e-commerce interfacing, customer satisfaction is at high level but at the same time consumer’s expected ‘delight’ level is increasing which is indirect impact of e-commerce interfacing adaptability and which simultaneously educating the consumer about product’s features virtually...

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While looking for hiring post graduate students a good internship done by students can be deciding factor for employers .The candidate may provide value from the day of joining as he has acquired professional experience in an internship...

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Employer Branding through Assessment Centres

Employer branding is the effort made by the company to promote itself as an ‘employer of choice’ among the prospective employees with the aim of attracting candidates for the company. It is a process of promoting a positive image of the company in the eyes of the candidates. Employer branding helps a company to attract, recruit and retain talent...

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Acquisition that caused Jet Airways Turbulence

It was April 2007 & probably the most critical period in securing Jet’s future had already started however no one could realize it, least of all Jet’s top management,

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Neuro-Marketing – An emerging field in consumer research

Today, businesses continuously monitor what consumers buy but it is always difficult for them to find out 'why' they buy or how meticulously their thought process functions in making buying decisions.

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Training Needs Assessment – An Important Part Of The Training Process

An organisation can look at conducting training for its employees for a variety of reasons, and under a variety of circumstances.

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Journey of Electric Vehicle

Electric vehicles are a forward step towards a more sustainable progressive model (Bigerna and Micheli, 2018). Even the European Union is taking steps to build and use green technologies which will help to conserve the resources and emit less pollution in the environment...

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A Study On Purchase Intentions Of Consumer Towards Shopping Of Online Apparel

Abstract : Due to growth of internet E-commerce has becomes a new mean for business organizations to sell the products online. Many people like to purchase various products online because of the ease in shopping. The Indian Apparel industry is one of the largest in the world with a huge raw material and manufacturing base....

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Impact Of CSR Activities On Employees Work With Special Reference To Indian Banking Industry

Abstract : Corporate social responsibility is a notion where organizations take the responsibility of their activities for the society which includes their customers, employees, shareholders, social groups and environment at large. This commitment of the organizations towards its society is taken to improve their quality of life and make it better....

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Abstract : Third-party logistics (3PL) is a business which is dynamically growing importance all over the world. However, it is at a very nascent stage in India, though some domestic and multinational companies are trying to establish themselves in this sector and they are achieving their heights. This paper is an attempt to provide a process of 3PL in E-Commerce Industry with...

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Abstract : E-learning is the latest way in which the learning has started taking place these days. With the help of e-learning the education system has moved on to the next level. Few years back e-learning was criticised to a great extent as the exposure to this concept was very limited. But with the advent in technology e-learning has become simplified. Globalisation of education will remain just a dream without e-learning. The connection of education with the different parts of the world can be possible only through e-learning....

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Abstract : The purpose of this paper is to study the consumer behaviour towards OTC medicines. This research is solely based on secondary data collection i.e. literature review and it intends to analyse the role of various factors in influencing consumer behaviour while purchasing an OTC medicine. The present study discusses the kind of ailments, the first course of action, the brand of the product, purchasing site and role of advertising as some of the important factors which influence consumer behaviour....

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Abstract : Identification and Performance evaluation of distributors in western countries has been one of the most important activities in consumer durable industry. Unfortunately less focus has been given towards this activity by most of the firms located in India. It has been realized that criteria related to distributor selection and evaluation need to be identified. The Indian consumer durables industry has witnessed a considerable change in the past couple of years....

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An interview with the street vendor and some management lessons emerging therein...

This is a story of street vendor named Mr. Ashok Ramdev Gupta doing business of clothes from past 25 years in an unorganized sector. Mr.Gupta started his business at the age of 30 years with the help of his elder sister. Setting up a business involves too many challenges such as choosing the location that would eventually help in publicity. ...

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Re-Inventing Corporate Information Technology

Abstract : Digital innovation and experience is creating a knowledgeable customer and also the organisation can differentiate itself from the competitors. The raised bar of customer satisfaction and usage of new technology are making organisations equip to forecast and provide. Connected customers, automated processes are placing demand on the technology department in organisations calling for flexible systems and more of business involvement.....

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Evolution of Technology In The Banking Sector

A strong banking sector is important for flourishing economy. The failure of the banking sector may have an adverse impact on other sectors. In India banking as an institution originated in the late 18th century primarily to cater to the needs of the British. Post independence the nationalisation of major private banks in 1969 – an important milestone in the Indian banking system made banking accessible to the unbanked population in India......

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An exploratory study of educational and work productivity mobile application usage among B-school students and academicians in Mumbai region

Abstract : Technology revolution has touched every domain of work whether manufacturing business or service sector industry. Field of academics, especially business education is also not left untouched by this revolution....

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Puzzle Of Motivation While Running A Long Run

Running a marathon is always an experience and participating in a run after a gap of 2 years makes a huge difference. I wish to share my experience during my last 10 km run on Sunday 25th November 2018....

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The Impact Of Service Quality on Decision Making Process In Metal Forming Industries

Abstract : This research paper is the study of the impact of Service Quality on the lubricants purchase decision of metal forming industries. The researcher in his research has found different attributes of service quality which are independent variables whereas....

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Information Technology in Indian Banks-A Review

Abstract : Countries the world over have now recognised the need for convergence and design of new and innovative business practices, especially in the field of banking to keep up with the changes taking place within the industry,....

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Management lessons from Navratri festival

India is a land of festivals, where people from different religions, languages, cultures and regions live together in harmony.....

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Priyadarshani taxi service - An innovation in women empowerment

“Feminism isn’t about making women strong, women are already strong, it’s about changing the way the world perceives that strength”......

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E-CRM – Crucial Element in Banking Sector

The banking sector is considered as dynamic sector. The main aim of the banks is to increase customer profitability. Banks are aiming to increase customer profitability by providing valuable services to the customers...

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Digitalization and its impact on indian economy

Digitalization has empowered the economy of our country. It helps in increasing the quality of our life. There has been a drastic change in the cash-based economy...

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Market Research: Growing area of career opportunities

Do you keenly watch Big Boss seasons? And still manage to steal a quick look of its repeated episodes? Some audience are attracted...

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Self Management

There is one boy whose name is Sujay. Now he is preparing for 12th & engineering Entrance Exam,...

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The Adc Of Marketing: Game-changers

We, being an extremely fortunate generation, have seen such a dramatic shift in technology that no generation before us has seen....

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Semiotics In Advertising

IMC and Advertising is one of the crucial subjects while learning MBA/ MMS/ PGDM with Marketing as a specialization...

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Time:The New Currency

Time is the scarcest resources and unless it is managed nothing else can be managed. Peter Drucker....

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Virtual teams have now become a reality. People across the globe work, collaborate, communicate, play games by teaming up virtually with the help of technology...

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Do we Leave the Organizations or the Bosses?

Leadership, people management, being a team player etc. are some words that most of us have heard at training sessions or HR driven initiatives....

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Basic Framework For ERP Implementation

Success of ERP system largely depends upon the implementation of ERP in accordance with the processes defined/Reengineered in the organization for respective modules...

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9 Essential Interpersonal Skills To Add Your Resume

As you survey yourself and your work toward the finish of 2017 (either through formal assessments or more broad thoughts on your profession), you'll likely need to explain your solid suits and shortcomings....

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To LEAD is to DEAL

A leader is the one who knows the way, goes the way and shows the way!!! Leaders!!! We have a lot of them by Compulsion....We have few by Choice!!...

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As a part of Journal Club activity (Knowledge sharing platform at DR VN BRIMS), Trends in Human Resource with special reference to Human Capital were taken as a part of discussion...

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How Sporting Achievements can Liven Up Your Resume

Addding sports in your resume enables your identity to radiate through, gives you a chance to present yourself, tailor your message to the individual business and depict why you're a solid match for the activity....

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Top Tips for Making the Most of your MBA

A MBA is a tremendous venture, and for what it's costing you, you need to get however much as could reasonably be expected out of the course...

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People say that today’s life is so stressful because of their tight schedule of job, personal responsibility, or to achieve dreams...

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Management Skills required for Women Entrepreneurs

The role of women has undergone tremendous change in past couple of decades. Women have reached greater heights in various professions. We see women as pilots, astronauts, engineers, doctors, researchers, scientists, academicians, sportspersons...

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The State of Indian Economy in the 3years of Mr. Narendra Modi

For the first time in 30 years, the BJP came to power with an absolute majority and the swearing-in ceremonies gave a hint that Team Modi was ready with a game-changing plan for the country....

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Health Care Managers?

India’s healthcare market is most likely to witness a boom. Indias healthcare sector is worth more than 50,000-crore rupees.and is expected to register an annual growth of 22 per cent between by 2020.....

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Can Challenges be our Friends?

You would be thinking that this title is not in line with the thought process of common man. You are right because making friends with challenges is quality of a person who believes in exploring his own potential and capability....

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BRIMS- Demonstrating Excellent Placements and Quality Education

Placement scenario at DR VN Bedekar Instituite of Management Studies (BRIMS), Thane is phenomenally different for the year 2017....

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Yellow Diamond - Growth of Prataap Snacks

According to Euromonitor the Indian snacking market will be around Rs 35,000 crore by 2020 and Prataap Snacks is targeting a 10 percent share...

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Ways to Engage your Employee

We all are living a routine life where we start a day by getting off from bed, doing our necessary household chores then rushing in traffic and finally reaching our workplace...

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Setting The Purpose for Studying

The word skill is very commonly used by Everybody and people talk about a wide of skills While referring to a handbook on Study Skill by Prabir Biswas from IGNOU few questions popped in my mind...

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Leadership Beyond Position

Few weeks back on Saturday, while returning home in the evening, I saw few kids playing under-arm cricket in my society compound, and the bowler took two wickets in two consecutive balls! The bowling team started celebrating, with taunting words to the opponent team...

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4Cs For Successful Content Marketing

The changing dynamics in customer profiles have nudged companies to board the Content Marketing bandwagon. Content marketing has been around for quite some time but with increased consumption of digital media, content marketing has come to the forefront.

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Entry Level Positions Enable Understudies to Better Deal with their Professions

In the present hyper focused occupation showcase, entry level positions are turning into an unquestionable requirement have on practically every employment candidate's CV.

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Openings for Work After MBA in India - Career, Scope and Salary

Before bouncing to the conclusion that a Masters in Business Administration (MBA) is the correct way for you, stop and ask yourself for what reason. The hunky-dory vision of life after MBA may not be so natural all things considered.

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A website and online presence is one part of the promoting mix for a business. For the small to medium business, there is no purpose behind a website to be the sole strategy for promoting – yet by coordinating a website into your regular marketing plan you can drive new leads and create new business that you wouldn't normally achieve utilizing a single road of publicizing.

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The Top Social Networking Sites People Are Using

The world's most well known social networking sites surely have changed throughout the years, and they'll without a doubt keep on changing as time pushes ahead. Old social networks will bite the dust, prominent ones will stick around as they're compelled to advance, and shiny new ones will show up (simply keep an eye out for fake news sites!

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Most Sought After Leadership Skills

Whether one is an office manager or a project leader, all good leaders require a number of soft skills to help them positively interact with employees or team members. Employers seek these skills in the candidates they hire for leadership roles....

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4 Steps To Networking Success

Systems administration can be one of the most ideal approaches to make associations, uncover shrouded employments or propel your profession.It is a work of art and it's not something that you'll fundamentally get by simply perusing an article.....

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Benefitting as much as Possible from An Internship

Is it accurate to say that you are considering doing a temporary job, either amid or after your degree? Or, on the other hand maybe you as of now have one arranged? Here are a few proposals for taking advantage of your time as an assistant....

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Immortal tips to pro your next prospective employee meeting

Regardless of whether it is your first prospective employee meet-up or tenth, it generally is better arranged. Here are 8 immortal tips that will ideally enable you to perform in your next prospective employee meet-up...

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8 Interesting Careers in Healthcare

Employments in human services aren't restricted to specialists, attendants, radiologists, and X-beam experts. There's a large group of chances in the business for individuals with a scope of aptitudes....

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Why Digital Marketing Is The Need Of The Hour For Indian Businesses

With the quantity of web clients in India ready to touch an astounding 450 million stamp in the coming two months, according to Internet and Mobile Association of India, putting resources into advanced showcasing warrants a goliath development for Indian ventures....

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Return on Investment of an MBA education

Undeniably the main motivation why anybody seeks after an MBA is to give their professions a major lift. Be that as it may, do the quick cost expands still justify the estimation of an MBA education?....

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Post CAT arrangement: Giving your best in PI round

Now that you're finished with the CAT 2016, the following enormous test is absolutely going to be the Personal Interview round. There are numerous routes in which you can guarantee that you cruise through this round decisively. Here are a couple of them....

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GD Initiation Techniques Group Discussion GD Initiation

Starting a GD is a high benefit high misfortune technique. At whatever point a hopeful starts a GD, he separated from snatching a chance to talk additionally gets the consideration of the inspectors and his kindred competitors....

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Distance MBA vs Full Time MBA

While Distance MBA offers financially savvy and adaptable learning choices, full time MBA gives rich communication, information trade, and future profession openings.....

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Best Management Exercise Every Morning Highly Ignore - “Reading Newspaper”

Twisting, turning and holding the news paper may be difficult, if you are not use to reading on a daily basis. But the moment you find news which is of your interest, you are at your ease...

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WE is supposed to initiate an inspiring change in society and has attracted international attention. In fact, in 1997, the General Assembly of the United Nations has proclaimed – 8th March as International Women’s Day.....

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Selling Solutions in Industrial Marketing

Industrial selling is based on the concept of technical selling or solution selling. The selling concept for the business enterprises of industrial buyer is to define the needs of a target market and modifies the organization’s product or service to satisfy those needs more successfully than its competitors....

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One Degree, Opportunities Aplenty!

Looking to re-manufacture your vocation? Select a full-time degree in administration! Cleaning your abilities with the correct sort of administration degree can really help you manufacture a profession in the corporate world. ....

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SMS Marketing: Execution Steps.

SMS marketing is done using a mobile device by transferring marketing communication to the target customers. This way of communicating to you customer is gaining more importance as mobile users are increasing day by day....

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The companies have several cases where dividend payment has to be kept separately due to issues pertaining to ownership dispute, court orders, and objections from transferor etc.

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Time Management - The way to being an effective Understudy

Time administration is not an aptitude we are typically shown growing up, so building up a sorted out way to deal with your reviews is a chance to figure out how to function all the more effectively.

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Stress Interview : Expect the Unexpected

‘Stress Interview’…The name is enough to send chills down the spine of the job seeker. The purpose of such interviews is to see how the candidate performs under stress...

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Entrepreneurs are Born, not Created..!!!

Be your own boss ! Workplace Freedom ! StartUp India ! Make-In-India ! Entrepreneurship ! All these tags are glossy-enough to stimulate any individual's desires of being an entrepreneur.

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Entrepreneurship after MBA- The New-Age Career

How many students in India are witnessing Entrepreneurship revolution. Many companies are being funded. Many investors are fulfilling the million dollar dreams. How are these stories inspiring more and more students to take the MBA Courses for entrepreneurship? Find out!

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Delve into Operations Management at BRIMS

When we talk about operations management, the immediate picture that comes into our mind is that of a factory, operators with a helmet who are sweating, greasy machines, gears, cranes and too much of machinery sound. But operations management is much beyond all this.....

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How to Start, Lead and Conclude a Group Discussion (GD)?

Beginning, driving and closing a GD are basic methods to get saw and gain brownie focuses in a Group Discussion. Bunch Discussion (GD) is a fundamental piece of choice process. A GD is led to test different administrative aptitudes, for example, correspondence, initiative, normal, investigative, interpersonal, and so forth....

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MBA: Common Questions Asked in a Personal Interview

To make your interview process easier, we have compiled a list of commonly asked questions in the Personal Interview for MBA admissions. So, here we go!!....

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Instagrammable Food: A new dish in the menu of Indian Restaurants

Craze for Selfie is rising day by day among the youth, be it at college, shopping center, amusement park, gym, cinema hall or restaurant. Youth loves to click and share their experiences with their social media friends....

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Today organizations are operating in multiple environments and dealing with varied culture, thanks to the globalization which has brought the world closer. This has led to the rising expectations of the organizations from the employees...

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In this millennium, most of the employment opportunities will be in the Sales function. In fact today sales people are being considered as important as the branding boys. Selling today is accepted as the cutting edge of business....

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This is the story of year 2005 when two friends Rajesh and Sunil had taken admission to MMS/MBA program at Dr. V. N. Bedekar Institute of Management Studies, Thane....

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