You would be thinking that this title is not in line with the thought process of common man. You are right because making friends with challenges is quality of a person who believes in exploring his own potential and capability. I will share with you what I read in the newspaper and I remember that the article was authored by Mr. Raghuraman.
The article referred to a village in a country where people loved eating fresh fish. They really enjoyed eating it fresh and here the word fresh is very important because they loved eating it fresh. Over a period of time the fishermen in that region realized that, the particular fish was not available near the shore and hence they decided to move inside the sea to get the same fish.
They were very happy, when they saw that the fish was available little deeper in the sea. They spread the net and got a large number of fish. They returned back happily but this happiness did not last long when they realized that fish does not taste like the one they used to catch earlier and customers were not happy with it. It was identified by them that by the time they reached the shore with the fish the freshness of the fish was lost and therefore it did not taste as good.
They all decided that they need to do something about it. One of them suggested that it is known that food can be kept fresh in cold storage and therefore they also can go ahead with cold storage system on the boats which were used for fishing. The fishermen did install cold storage on their boat to keep the fish fresh but this solution as a part of their experiment did not create the taste of fresh fish. The villagers were so fond of fresh fish that they found it extremely difficult to accept the fish which was not fresh.
Fishermen were very sad that their solutions were not giving them good results and they even started of thinking of closing their business as the sales of the fish was not picking up. One of them who were very positive requested all the others to have a brainstorming session. During this session one of the fishermen came up with an idea that let us have a big water tank in the boat so that fish will be live and fresh. They all saw a ray of hope again and were very happy to find a solution.
The fish caught in the deep sea were transferred in the large water tank which was kept in the boat. After reaching the shore fishermen sold the fish to their customers. This exercise went for a few days and again fishermen realized that their sale was going down. They were now very upset and had literally given up. All the fishermen were standing near the large tank of water in the boat and were just discussing. Somebody in the group said that fish in the tank are as good as dead, these are alive but are not moving with their normal speed. Others also felt that the movement of the fish was slow as compared to the moment in the sea.
Fishermen started a discussion as to what makes the movement fast which can make the fish look and feel fresh. Again they did generate a lot of ideas to understand the reason for their movement. They could not get the answers and therefore they decided to go into the sea where the fish was available in the normal condition.
They all moved in the sea on their boats and parked their boats at the location where fish were available for observing their movements. They saw that movement of the fish was faster as compared to their movement in the water tank. After observing the fish for sometime one of them said I know the reason why they were moving faster in the sea and not in the water tank. Everybody gathered around him to understand what made them move faster in the sea. He showed them that there were few large fish in the sea which were constantly chasing this small fish which always kept them on the guard and hence the alertness levels and movement were different.
It was a great observation which gave them a solution. They immediately decided to catch few large fish and put them in the large water tank. The moment large live fish entered into the tank the movement of the small fish which were moving little slow changed and they started moving faster as if they were in the sea.
The fishermen then took this fast moving fish to the customer who enjoyed consuming the fresh fish. Consumers were very happy that their fresh fish was again available and they would be getting the taste which they wanted. The fishermen were also very happy that their business will continue as the customers were happy.
The moral here is we all love to live in our own comfort zones and do not wish to challenge our own self and hence our movements become very slow like the fish in the water tank .The moment you bring in a large fish (challenge) in your life you move faster than your movement in the comfort zone as you wish to live more and bring in all the energies together. The message here is to try to make friends with the challenges so that the little alertness levels will give you high energy levels to explore, evaluate and excel in life. Be victorious in life.
Dr. Nitin Joshi
(Director / Professor)
Let’s make winning our habit.
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