Research and Publiction at Dr. V. N. BRIMS Thane College

Research & Publication

Dr. V. N. Bedekar Memorial Research Volume is an annual publication of DR VN BRIMS and a brainchild of the Director-General, Dr. Guruprasad Murthy. The Research Volumes are commemorated with proudful thanks giving and veneration for the visionary, DR V. N. Bedekar. The idea of developing this publication was to bring together the contributions of as many stakeholders of DR VN BRIMS as possible including students, teachers and staff members. It was also an opportunity for people to downpour their scholarship, erudition, practical experiences, Ph.D's completed, in process and yet to start, prose, poetry, and any other know-how, cause enough to pen down their inner expressions. The first research volume was published in April 2006 and to date five research volumes have been published.

National Conference on Management Education – Past Present and Future

6th Feb 2016 at Dr. V N Bedekar Institute of Management Thane.
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Srujan : 2016

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Research and Publication 2014-15
1) Finance Summit Report 2015
2) National conference on "Trends in finance"
3) National Finance Workshop

Research Volume I : 2006

This research volume expresses the new landscape of business and provides the setting of business since 1991.The contents of the book are spread over more than three hundred pages and into several sections. It is predominantly, nay exclusively, on management. The era of globalization, liberalization and privatization along with the electronic media revolution, has totally changed the rules of business. This volume is a potpourri of contributions in diverse areas such as corporate governance, turnaround management, financial instruments, management control systems, Japanese management practices, supply chain management and rural marketing Click here to know about Volume I (2006)

Research Volume II : 2007

This research volume promotes India as a knowledge super-power and aligns with the ideology that creation of knowledge is the key objective since wealth is a function of knowledge. The volume is dedicated to the cause of an emerging event that will rekindle and provoke the resurgence of the intellectual energies and ethos to be the torch bearer to humanity at large.
Click here to know about Volume II (Part 1) 2007
Click here to know about Volume II (Part 2) 2007

Research Volume III : 2008

The theme of this research volume was ‘Vision 2050 - India A Super Economic Power. This volume is spread over 160 pages and has been compiled, keeping in mind the need to present a cross section of ideas, thoughts and views of personalities from different walks of life - industry, academia and student world. The proceedings of seminar held on 23 February 2008, have been incorporated along with a series of articles on issues such as rural development, currency fluctuations, economic indicators and sustainable growth.
Click here to know about Volume III (2008)

Research Volume IV : 2009

This publication was on the theme ‘Consolidation - The New Business Mantra.’ The increased competition in the global market has impelled the Indian companies to go for mergers and acquisitions as an important strategic choice and this volume dwells on the said theme. Proceedings of the workshop and seminar conducted at Dr. VN BRIMS have been presented in this volume. The excerpts of the presentations made at the seminar held on 14 February 2009, by eminent personalities from the industry like Mr. Nitin Paranjape (CEO and MD, Hindustan Unilever Ltd.) and Mr. Deepak Ghaisas (Chairman, Gencoval) have been included in this volume.
Click here to know about Volume IV (2009)

Research Volume V : 2010

The topic of this research volume was ‘Global Meltdown-Lessons to be Learnt. The topic was highly relevant and extremely significant since people world over were affected by the global financial crisis and several discussions, studies and research at Dr. VN BRIMS had to be consolidated into a wholesome publication. The financial crisis that erupted in the United States and led the markets to the verge of financial collapse actually blew the house of capitalism to smithereens leaving people to utter imbalances, eroded confidence, panic and pessimism. For the first time in the history of Vidya Prasarak Mandal, Thane since 1935, a workshop was held in London on the said theme, ‘Global Meltdown - Lessons to be Learnt’ on 26 May 2009. This fifth research volume includes excerpts of this important international workshop held beyond the national frontiers. The London workshop was followed by two other events at the Thane College Campus - a workshop on Saturday, 14 November 2009 that was organized by Mr. R.S. Verma and a se minar on Saturday, 13 February, 2010 on the same theme. This volume presents the proceedings of these events along with an article that elucidates the Indian perspective. Click here to know about Volume V ( 2010)

Research Volume VI : 2011

Research Volume VI will be released on 14th April, 2011. The Research Volume tries to capture the essence of all substantive knowledge generated throughout the academic year 2010-11 by consolidating proceedings of the workshop and seminar, which were on the theme ‘Creativity & innovation in Business”; London conference on the theme ‘Why India’; summits in various functional areas, research articles contributed by the BRIMS faculty members and miscellany such as book reviews and biz quiz.” “Click here to know about Volume VI (2011)"

Research Volume VII (2012)

Dr.V.N.Bedekar Memorial Research Volume VII captures the proceedings of the workshop and the seminar held in the academic year 2011-12 on the theme 'Management of MSMEs'. In addition, the proceedings of all the five functional summits viz. Marketing, HR, Finance, Operations and IT are included in this volume. Few research articles contributed by our teachers and students are also incorporated. This volume makes a good reading for students of management, academicians and those who have interest in MSMEs. "Click here to know about Volume VII (2012)"

Research Volume VIII (2013)

"Talent Management" has become one of the most important buzzwords in Corporate HR today. In this volume we will explain the history, principles, and processes of talent management and help readers understand our research agenda and findings in this important area. Along with the understanding of the need to hire, develop, and retain talented people, organizations are aware that they must manage talent as a critical resource to achieve the best possible results.
Click here to see Research Volume VIII (2013)
16th Feb 2013 National Seminar on Competing Through Talent
Competing Through Talent – Research Monograpgh
CTT India Inc. Practices - A Research Study

Research Volume IX (2014)

Paradigm Shift in Marketing Seminar Report
Paradigm Shift in Marketing Research Book
Paradigm Shift in Marketing : Annual Workshop Report
Monograph on trends in finance - 2014
Click here to know about Volume IX (2014)

Publication type


Details of

Year of publication

Article/Book/Book Chapter

Name of Author(s) in the format
Last name
First name
Middle name

Full title of the article/chapter/book


Centum Journal 2231-1475
Impact factor 1.2

Ms. Prema Mahele
Dr. B. B. Deshmukh

Innovation in Health Care Management: A Review


DR VN BRIMS Srujan : A multidisciplinary journal

Joshi Nitin
Gupta Manish

Old Marketing Ideas Becoming Relevant once Again with
Use of Nudge A New Marketing Tools of Modern Times


DR VN BRIMS Srujan : A multidisciplinary journal

Sengupta Priya
Kanchan Akshay

Indian Tourism Industry and its Changing Trends


DR VN BRIMS Srujan : A multidisciplinary journal

Agnihotri Deepak

Education – Is It Really Educating?


DR VN BRIMS Srujan : A multidisciplinary journal

Mathur Mahima

Blue Ocean Strategy in Management Education


DR VN BRIMS Srujan : A multidisciplinary journal

Bhanushali Mahesh

Significance of Integrated Management Practices
for Indian Refineries


DR VN BRIMS Srujan : A multidisciplinary journal

Jape Smita

Impact of Changes of The Environment on Management
Education (With Focus on Subjects of Finance)


DR VN BRIMS Srujan : A multidisciplinary journal

Tambe Sukhada
Deuskar Aditi

A Study of Organizational Citizenship Behaviour and Job Satisfaction Among Teachers


DR VN BRIMS Srujan : A multidisciplinary journal

George Sheba Philip

Analysis of changing trends in management education


DR VN BRIMS Srujan : A multidisciplinary journal

Periwal Dipti
Sharma Neetu

Diversification strategy adopted by ABC company – A candy product.


International Journal of Management and Social Science Research Review.
Volume No-1 Issue No-11

Joshi Nitin

Effect of perceived risk and uncertainties (Internal / External) on the buying behavior of buying centre


International Journal of Management and Social Science Research Review
Vol.1, Issue.18, / E- ISSN - 2349-6746 ISSN -2349-6738
Impact Factor: 3.029

Joshi Nitin

Goodness of fit of factors affecting industrial buying behaviour using structural equation modelling (sem) technique


International Journal of Management And Social Science Research Review

Save Vibhuti

Impact of implementing reliability management practices on organization’s yield


International Conference onManagement, Science and Social Studies 2015-Ejournal and conference proceedings publication

Patil Sheetal J., Keskar Anil

Customer engagement through retail servicescape


International Journal of Professionals Published  in  Journal
ISSN   2349-6045 Vol-II,

Jape  Smita

Study and meta analysis of importance of contemporary topics of cost and management accounting and its coverage in textbooks


IISRR - International Journal of Research

Agarkar, S.C.

Managing Mega Events: Experiences from China and Brazil


GE-International Journal Of Management Research

Tambe Sukhada

A Study Of Organizational Citizenship Behaviour And Job Stress In A Manufacturing Company In Mumbai


Journal of Exclusive Management Science

Dhulla, T. V., & Mathur, S. K.

Adoption of Cloud Computing by Tertiary Level Students–A Study.


International Journal of Research in Advent Technology

Dhulla, T. V., & Mathur, S. K.

Factors Influencing Professionals’ Decision for Cloud Computing Adoption


International Journal of Advanced Research

Dhulla, T. V.

Transformational Leadership & Triguna Theory: A Short Literature Review



Dhulla, T.

A New Approach to Indian Philosophy and Personality–A Study


Research Journal of Research Journal of Welingkar  Institute of Management,  Matunga

Jape, Smita & Korde Tejal

Study of established financial management tools and techniques and their application by business houses (with reference to Mumbai based Companies  period-2002-2012)


Publication of trend in finance
Published  in  Journal
ISSN No –971-81-928745-9-3

Jape, Smita

Literature review and study of financial management practises


International Journal of Busness and Administration Review

Farooqi Sna

Redefining Employee Engagement – Focus Is on Passion and Holistic Work Environment


International Research Journal of Business and Management – IRJBM

Tambe Sukhada

A Study of Organizational Citizenship Behaviour (OCB) and Its Dimensions: A Literature Review


International Journal Of Scientific  Research

Dhulla, Tejal

Case Study on Employee Engagement Vs High Turnover at TVD


Journal Of International Academic Research For Multidisciplinary (JIARM)

Dhulla, Tejal

Management Game Designed for Experiential Learning: A Teaching Pedagogy


International Journal Of Multidisciplinary Educational Research (IJMER)

Dhulla, Tejal

Experiential learning as a teaching pedagogy in developing Leadership: Social Capital


International Journal of Emerging Trends & Technology in Computer Science

Dhulla, Tejal

Significance of DOI model for Adoption of Cloud Computing


International Journal of Management Development and Training (Volume I)

Dhulla, Tejal

Study Of Job Specific Social Skill Training (JSST) for Management students in entry level jobs.


DR VN BRIMS Publication

Chandwaskar Pallavi, Paniker Shobhana

Paradigm Shift in Marketing: A Research Study Report


International Journal of Management Development and Training (Volume I)

Dhulla, Tejal

Study Of Job Specific Social Skill Training (JSST) for Management students in entry level jobs.


Journal of Management Research (ISSN:0976-4739)

Patil, Sheetal

Impact of retail servicescape on buying behavior.


Pravra Management Review,Vol.13,No.1 (ISSN 2278-0165)

Patil, Sheetal

Store servicescape impact towards buying behavior outcomes.


Disha 2014

Joshi, Nitin

Creating Value Supply Chain for fruits and vegetable



Joshi, Nitin

Making Supply Chain- Business focused


IMPACT: International Journal of Research In Business Management

Farooqi Sna

Management innovation: a key driver for providing competitive edge


Research Journal of Economics & Business Studies - RJEBS" is promoted with ISSN issued by National Library, Singapore.

Jape Smita

Study of established financial management tools and techniques and their application with focus on capital structure


International Journal of Managemenat and Social Sciences Research (IJMSSR)

Jape Smita

Study of established financial management tools and techniques and their application by business houses with focus on capital budgeting


Indian Journal of Applied Research

Farooqi Sna

Soft Skills: A Tool for Maximizing Productivity in Educational Institutes


DR VN BRIMS Publication

Chandwaskar Pallavi, Paniker Shobhana

Research Monograph - Paradigm Shift in Marketing


DR VN BRIMS Publication

Tambe Sukhada, Tamhankar Swapna, Dhulla Tejal

Competing Through Talent-India Inc. Practices– A Research Study


DR VN BRIMS Publication

Tambe Sukhada, Dhulla Tejal, Golhar Jyotsna

Dr. V. N. Bedekar Memorial Research Volume - VIII


Journal of  Commerce and Management
volume no. 2 (2012), issue no. 8 (august) ISSN 2231-5756

Jape Smita

Knowledge Management & Mobilizing Knowledge In A Way  Of Yu;Gi-Oh World



Bombay Psychologist

Pinto, L. W., & Dhulla, T. V.

To study the talent management system in banking sector with regards to motivation & satisfaction


DR VN BRIMS Publication

Tambe Sukhada, Dhulla Tejal

Competing Through Talent – Research Monograph