Mentoring and Counselling at Dr. V. N. Bedekar Institute of Management Studies Thane College.

Time: The New Currency

Time is the scarcest resources and unless it is managed nothing else can be managed. Peter Drucker.

There is a term called organizational drag which means that organizations often eat up people's time by way of meetings, emails, phone calls, processes and procedures. Some of these could be essential but others for sure are time wasters. As per the research an organization may spend close to 21% of its productive power. Even the best of the companies lose close to 13%.

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Many times people are busy attending various meetings throughout the day only to realize that it was non productive and sheer waste of time. The outcome of the meeting had really nothing which was very useful and meaningful from the organizational perspective.

The important message here is that in this competitive scenario every organization and individual will have to be accountable for the time in hand. They need to understand where all the time goes if organizations are not contributing for the development of business or the society. It is important that we as individuals should start identifying the value work and not so value work.

There is a serious need for everybody including students, teachers and professionals, to understand and check the investment of time, he or she makes every day if they believe what Peter Drucker has said.

In the era of knowledge management where technology is also playing a very important role in changing the way people are living the life it becomes all the more important to value this scares commodity called time. It is need of the hour to optimize utilization of time so that at the end of the day more rewarding outcomes can be seen and experienced. People need to manage time available in hand and also help others in time management. It is equally important that senior managers and bureaucrats in their own departments and organizations need to redesign processes and procedures so that all the wastages in the process are reduced to the bare minimum and everybody gets enough time in hand for not only doing the routine work but also for thinking and helping the organization move on the journey of excellence.

Prof. Nitin Joshi


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