Mentoring and Counselling at Dr. V. N. Bedekar Institute of Management Studies Thane College.

To LEAD is to DEAL

A leader is the one who knows the way, goes the way and shows the way!!!

Leaders!!! We have a lot of them by Compulsion....We have few by Choice!!

I have been wondering on the thought of what it is or it takes to become a successful it Me or my team that will make me a good leader... Well trying to figure out with you all what it takes to Lead the Deal/ Deal the Lead!!

PGDM Institute in Mumbai
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1. A Leader aspires, inspires and if required, even ....Conspires.
2. Leader has to know how to Absorb. 
3. Leader must slog for the motivation of his team.
4. Leader has to maintain a Thin Balance between his team's Needs and the Management's...Alas...he ends up being Thinner!!
5. Leader who gives in to his team’s requirement is a all are termed as a Boss!!
6. A leader is expected to Lead from the Front.....aha....don't look back....just keep leading...!!
7. To Lead is to Deal...with team..with performers...with demotivation...with failures...with bosses ( for your team)....with management...with your family...with happiness....with ......... A chose to LEAD!!!
8. Your team respects you...till you Absorb their load....your Bosses do the same…till you ensure they are looked upon as Great Leader!!.
9. A leader can never blame his team for non performance. It is his fault of the team has found love for Leisure!!
10. A leader has to be a Guide...a Coach...A friend ....his so called roles depend on how and what his Team demands!!
11.  A leader has to be innovative...thought provoking and ahead of times...
12. To err is Human...How I wish Leaders were considered Humans too!!
13. Leading a TEAM of Performers is a Headache....they feel they are performers...Only the Leader knows the Myth!!
14.  A leader is the one who demonstrates what and how it is to be himself.............for his team !!!
15. A leader is a Leader only till he is able to Deal with the expectations....of everyone...personally as well as professionally...!!

Well I may sound a bit more Sarcastic in being a Leader in the above mentioned points...But being a leader for past 7 years has bought out these thoughts Loud and Clear!!

To Lead is a Lead by Example is an Art...To Lead and be taken for Granted is the KRA!!

Saying that...The world around us boasts of great Minds....awesome orators ...Super Skilled Humans and selfless beings...We term them as we are expected to be an iota of them!!

All said and done. Being a Leader is like being a Father... the stress, the anger, the frustrations, the disappointments are all wiped out when you see your Guy make it Big!!!  I am waiting and living a Leader’s Life and hey am Loving it!!

Zubin Sanghvi
Deputy Vice President, Choice Broking

(Dr. V.N. BRIMS Alumni – 2007-09 Batch)


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