MMS College in Thane Mumbai - Need to discover our abilities

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Need to discover our abilities

September, 2020

MMS College in Thane Mumbai - Need to discover our abilities

Clarity of purpose is extremely important for being successful in life as it helps you streamline your thoughts and helps you achieve what you wish to achieve. It also helps you realize your very purpose. There should be clarity in the mind because in the absence of it, thoughts are very weak and they are unable to drive a person in the appropriate direction. Absence of clarity is the cause which does not help a person to channelize energy.

While reading the above paragraph it is realized that people first need to understand as to what success means to them and what is their interpretation of the word clarity. Our society considers material gain as symbol of achievement and hence most of us are in the rat race of accumulating material wealth. A lot of people work towards becoming material rich as they correlate success with such gains. It is important to have economic welfare for growth of self, institution and for development of nation’s economic progress. However pure material growth may not help in attaining happiness.

I may work very hard, but if I am unable to describe as to why I am working hard or what drives me to work hard then it is quite clear that there is absence of clarity and I am just working with the flow of time. First of all it has been observed that not many of us have set goals, not because we do not wish to have clear goals but this kind of discussion never happened during our early stage of life and most of us grew with time. The outcome of this has resulted into a pattern that most of us instead of chasing the ball for hitting it in the goalpost, keep changing our goalpost itself. Many of us are actually looking for achievements of goals without putting in our best and that I feel is the one of the biggest challenges.

We have grown in life with many ifs and buts and let us thank God that we have still managed to grow to some extent. We could seize opportunities which came in our way. I am sure if we were told about goal setting during our childhood and if we had understood this we would have certainly shaped our lives in a much better way. This is purely coming out of my personal experiences as I am yet to conduct a survey but this is my belief that if the path and direction is clear the journey is better, else we have to wait at many places to ask for the right direction. There are multiple reasons for our behavior pattern. It could be based on our personality type, could be due to parenting we have undergone, our objectives in life, our culture at home, our society, our school, college and many such influencers and our vision and drive. It could be also because of the organization culture. In some organizations, culture drives people to achieve more and in other organizations it is again the culture which does not motivate people. Therefore some organizations grow while others struggle to grow with the same speed and zeal.

I personally feel that it is not very easy to define our purpose and also identify our abilities unless and until we focus on identifying them. A lot of people just wait for things to happen automatically in their life.

I am trying to help you with one process which I have used to understand what I am good at. I am of the opinion and also have read in an article that it is wise to take a pen or pencil and a piece of paper to understand and appreciate our abilities. People who are used to laptop or tabs can use them for jotting down what is shared below.

There are many things which experts have suggested to explore and discover the purpose. Things which I liked from one of the articles include:

  • Identifying list of aptitude or natural abilities

  • List of areas of specialized knowledge

  • Linking these with the job in hand.

Please make a list of natural abilities which you feel you possess. For example a person can have natural talent of being an observer, teacher, thinker, administrator, preacher, quick learner, problem solver etc. You may also search the list of abilities; human beings possess and then connect with the ones which you possess.

Similarly prepare a list of specialized knowledge which includes factual, theoretical, practical, competencies or skills in a particular area or profession. This could include skills like video making, photography, selling, management, sports etc.

Now once you have identified your abilities and specialized knowledge, connect your natural talent with your specialized knowledge. For example, I have a natural ability of observing and communicating or explaining concept and I also have specialized knowledge of selling. If I connect the two that is my natural ability and my specialized knowledge then I can come to a conclusion that it I can communicate and explain the concept of selling to professionals who are willing to acquire this knowledge. The job role which suits the above combination is of a trainer in the area of developing and improving selling skills.

Let's have one more example for helping the reader to understand the concept little better. I have a natural ability of solving the problems and I have specialized knowledge of operations management. I can establish connection and conclude that I can be good in solving problems in manufacturing or services operations.

I am sure above information can be used by readers and you will have to invest time and efforts to really know abilities better.

It is my opinion as more research has to be done to establish the model. People should try to discover their abilities and then create meaningful content which will create value for the society. This will also help people set goals and work very hard with very clear focus of achieving it.

Clarity about our abilities will help achieve our goals be it personal or organizational. People also need to identify themselves whether they fall under the category of satisfied, growth oriented or achievers and accordingly define their journey and help themselves in being successful and happy


Dr. Nitin Joshi,



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