>MMS College in Thane - Social Distancing

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Social Distancing

June, 2020

MMS College in Thane - Social Distancing

Ministry of Health and Family Welfare verbalizes that social distancing is a non-pharmaceutical infection prevention and control intervention implemented to avoid/decrease contact between those who are infected with a disease causing pathogen and those who are not, so as to stop or abbreviate the rate of transmission and thus preventing spread, morbidity and mortality caused by the disease

Has one human being become a threat to another human being? Definitely not!! Social distancing is suggested to save the human race!!

Social distancing in reality is physical distancing, whereby ‘connecting between people” should be avoided through personal contacts

The spread of virus and requirements of extremely hard measures for its tendency to spread is a reminder to the dangers of humans getting trapped in their “ego, greed, selfishness etc.” . Humans should understand that their powers are limited; what we know is only millionth and billionth of what we do not know!!

Social distancing is different from self-isolation and quarantine . ‘ Self-isolation and quarantine’ are enforced to prevent infection through people contact; social distancing is a larger measure to prevent the kind of mixing of people that allows infections to spread through a population.

It is considered that Social distancing is utmost operational when an impurity can be avoided by refraining from bead contact (coughing or sniffling); direct physical contact, including sexual contact; backhanded physical contact (e.g. by contacting a debased surface); or above ground diffusion (if the germ can last in the air for lengthy periods)

Man is a social animal; social distancing for him is difficult to be practiced; but social distancing is the need of the day. As per the recommendations of the Government of India’s Ministry Of Health and Family Welfare, the following interventions has to be implanted very strictly

  • It is recommended that all educational institutions along with gyms, play grounds, cultural and social centers, swimming pools and play grounds should be closed with strict counselling to halt at home.

  • Postponement of examinations may be considered; conduct of ongoing scheduling of examinations could be implemented strictly observing the protocol of one meter physical distance amongst students

  • Work from home, wherever feasible and possible , should be encouraged

  • Video conferences can be substituted in case of meetings; avoid the scheduling of meetings involving large number of people

  • Restaurants should ensure the following:
      → Handwashing etiquette
      → Appropriate hygiene of recurrently touched surfaces
      → Physical distancing (minimum of one metre) between tables
      → Open air seating with adequate distancing wherever it is practical

  • Renovate planned weddings to a limited gathering, and non essential social and cultural gatherings need to be postponed

  • Organizers of large crowded sporting events and competitions must postpone such events with the consent of local authorities

  • Opinion leaders and religious leaders should be taken into confidence by local authorities after meetings to discuss to regulate mass gatherings and should ensure that there would not be any over crowding diluting the protocol of one meter distance between people

  • Local Authorities should hold business associations and other stakeholders in this regard such as:
      → To standardize hours
      → To demonstrate do’s and don’t
      → To proceed announcement drive in bazaar places like sabzi mandi, bus depot, Railways stations, post-offices etc (the centres of essential services)

  • One meter distance between customers should be kept by all people who undertakes commercial activities; rush hour crowding in market should be avoided with suitable measures

  • Avoiding of non-essential travel should be encouraged; public transport carriers like buses, trains, and airplanes should maximise social distancing with proper disinfection of surfaces

  • Hospitals to trail essential procedure related with spread of virus management as prescribed and confine family/friends/children visiting patients in hospitals.

  • Cleanliness and physical distance must be maintained. Trembling hands and hugs should stop greeting for now

  • Distinctive defensive methods for delivery men/ women working in online ordering facilities should be scheduled and communities should be taken into confidence with proper dissemination of information consistently and repetitively

The purpose of these guidelines are to mitigate any kind of risk through direct ‘people contact’

What is reassuring is to observe that there is no restriction of ‘people contact’ through ‘social media’ without becoming victims of ‘fakes’

But care also has to be taken to avoid the dangers of social distancing as follows, as taking care of behavioral health is very important (source: http://store.samhsa.gov.html )

Reactions to stressful situations are different:

Individuals might sense: “Anxiety, worry, or fear related to” possess health status. Some of the issues would be as follows;

  • The health status getting visible to the infection through contacts

  • The antipathy that companions and brood may sense if they require to go into isolation as a effect of interaction between themselves

  • Art of nursing self, or being scrutinized by others for signs and indications of the disease

  • Interval occupied off from labor and the probable loss of salary and employer stability

  • Challenges of safeguarding things required, such as food supplies and individual consideration things

Other important psychological issues could be as follows;

  • Concern about having the option to successfully think about youngsters or others in care

  • Uncertainty or Obstruction about what extent one should stay in this circumstance, and ambiguity about the prospect

  • Loneliness related with sensitivity scratch off from the world and from treasured ones

  • Anger getting presented to the illness in light of others’ carelessness

  • Boredom and frustration since one will most likely be unable to work or involve in customary everyday activities

  • Uncertainty or inner conflict about the circumstance

  • A desire to utilize liquor or medications to adapt

  • Symptoms of depressions, such as feelings of desperateness, changes in craving, or resting close to nothing or to an extreme

Indications of post-awful pressure issue, such as intrusive distressing memories, flashbacks (remembering the occasion), bad dreams, changes in beliefs and temperament, and being frightened should be checked.

How can these be tackled: Understanding the risk is very important; The open perception of hazard during a circumstance such as an irresistible sickness epidemic is frequently inaccurate. Media inclusion may make the impression that individuals are in danger when actually the hazard for disease might be low.

Connecting with individuals one is probably the most ideal approach to diminish anxiety, unhappiness, loneliness, and tedium during social distancing

  • Use of telephone, email, content messaging, and online networking to associate with companions, with family, and others.
  • Talk “face to face” with friends and loved ones using Skype or Video Call from Smartphone

Above all one has to educate oneself without getting influenced ; yes let us practice social distancing for a better tomorrow


Prof. Dr. Sreedhran,



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