Student Centric IT Support should be provided in every institute. IT Systems are the backbone of the system at every institute which helps everyone to stay connected with everyone else be it within or outside the campus and makes sure no one loses the ‘connect’.
There should be quality learning through 24X7 access to educational resources. LMS helps to maximize the learnings by providing a platform wherein learner can explore, discuss, share his/her experiences with his/her peers, seniors, mentors and faculties.
A Learning Management System (LMS) is a web-based system which has all the vital tools which institutes require for the efficient teaching and learning. It helps in boosting student engagement and achievement. Also, it saves time on daily teaching activities.
LMS helps to automate the internal processes such as attendance recording, inbuilt notifications, feedback on professor’s performance, syllabus updation, keeping notes handy all the time, notice circulation
Using LMS, a space is provided wherein all the learning material such as class notes, ppts, pdfs, case studies, weblinks is stored and learners will have access to it.
In addition to this, assignments as well can be given. Students and teachers can interact with each other.
Different group of learners can be created depending on the different parameters and requirements.
The learning material will be made available to all the learners by keeping it in a single space.
Using the Learning App, each learner’s progress can be tracked easily and encourage the leader to help his/her team to progress faster.
LMS is benefited to all kinds of business whether it is small, medium or large scale. Let it be a small school or a large business organisation. LMS will help in reducing the expenses such as classroom rental, transport, accommodation, instructor’s salary and learning material printouts
The right LMS will help in saving the time.
It follows Unified Learning Standards.
It accesses employees’ knowledge regularly.
Every team member gets an opportunity to collaborate with each other during the learning process.
Every team member gets an access to the learning material.
This learning material can be accessed from anywhere and from any device.
Also every team member can refer the material end number of times and at any time.
Finally, this will amount to:
To conclude, LMS is like an Online University which will allow to store and create eLearning courses and gives the access of the online content to the learners and finally the facilitator will be able to evaluate the results.
Prof. Sandeep Moghe
Assistant Professor,
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